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Identifying Birds

We have over 200 different types of bird species within the sanctuary. Visitors can come learn about the varieties as well as help to record the migrant and resident bird patterns. We also teach about different birds' behaviors, such as the types of trees they nest in and what they eat. Through this recording method, we learn which trees are the habitat for different birds and thus must be conserved. This helps prevent the extinction of bird species.


Volunteers can go out with our local rangers to patrol the sanctuary. Part of this task is to find manmade objects that may be putting animals' lives at risk. This is one way that volunteers can ensure animal safety.  
Foot patrols give volunteers an excellent education on how to track different animals and observe their behaviors. This is also a way of identifying sick animals, especially from the big five species. When we find sick animals, we contact a local veterinarian to treat them and often save their lives. Patrolling is a favorite activity for visiting volunteers!

Wildlife Education

Tsavo Volunteers knows that education is key to conservation. We contribute to community education by providing wildlife education to schools by showing films and initiating wildlife projects.

Community Incentives

Giving incentives to the community through sustainable projects helps to change people's negative behaviors towards wildlife. For example, we have recently built a house for a widow in need, we run two lunch programs at local Primary Schools, and we drive children who live within the sanctuary to school every morning, which also protects them from the risk of encountering wildlife on their 5km walk. We also donate school uniforms, desks and chairs to students atthe local schools.


All of Tsavo Volunteers projects depend on donations and visitors. The money goes directly to the projects we undertake. We are currently fundraising to hire more rangers to patrol the park, and eradicate snares and other manmade objects jeopardizing the lives of our local wildlife.

Volunteers Abroad

Are you interesting in volunteering from your own home? We are looking for individuals who can help write newsletters and brochures for Tsavo Volunteers and even raise funds in their own communities.

Have you stayed with Tsavo Volunteers? We are looking for individuals who can share their experiences and photos for our website, Facebook and newsletter. 

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